Proverbs 5 speaks of regret - regret for not paying attention, listening to or following wisdom. God in His infinite love for us tells us what we can expect when we do not listen to His "wise counsel". The Lord does all He can to warn us and encourage us to abide by His commands. But as a gentlemen, He allows it to be our decision. We can expect regret, though, if we know to do good and do not do it. We will lose our honor and all we've achieved. We will be on the brink of ruin. Proverb 5:23 tells us we can expect to die for lack of self-control. We will be lost, but not if we allow God's wisdom to be our guide.
Knowing all of this is not enough - we need to take action. Even though we realize the consequences to our decisions, we may still choose to do our own thing. But like the regret we experience when we choose to stop taking clarinet lessons or quit practicing the piano, or drop a class because we didn't want to put the time into it, we'll think about what life would have been like if we had continued. We have an opportunity to listen to God's still small voice and follow His words of wisdom so we can live a life of NO REGRET!! It's not enough to know, we have to follow!
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