Saturday, January 25, 2014

31 Day Challenge - Day 31

Proverbs 31 is one of my favorite proverbs and yet I find it one of the most challenging proverbs to apply to my life. It takes discipline and sacrifice. It speaks of the Proverbial woman, the wife of noble character and the wise mother, as if she were a typical woman. There is nothing average about her, though. I find her difficult to attain, yet worthy of the challenge. She is definitely not your every day woman and yet she possesses the type of character we all need to set our sights on. She's an opportunity waiting to happen in each of our lives. A complex woman, but the type of woman we should all not just hope, but, EXPECT to become.

We find the word "wise" in verse 26 of  Proverbs 31 (NLT). This verse addresses communication; one attribute that is customary of women.  We are known as being ready and willing communicators. We have been described as talkers, naggers, gossipers and gabbers. Our voices can be heard throughout the scriptures, beginning in the garden and ending in the second coming. Eve is found speaking with the enemy (not one of our finer moments), Esther, conversing with royalty and plotting to save a nation from destruction. We hear Abigail making a defense to David to save her household from the foolish words of Nabal. The Prophet Deborah gives advice under the palm tree and Ruth saves her families fortune by conversing with Boaz. We find Joanna trying to convince Herod of the dangers in persecuting Jesus and Mary, mother of Jesus, listening and rejoicing with the angel at the revelation of her immaculate conception. In Luke, we learn about Anna, praising God in the temple day and night with fasting and prayer, and telling everyone about the Christ child's dedication by his parents.  We read words of women who were led by God to impart important and profound messages. As communicators, we find ourselves catalysts for the future, preparing the way for our savior and His message. We are examples of what can happen when we obey God's commands. But we have also been used to show what happens when we use our words in disobedience to God's instructions, as did Jezebel and Sapphira.

Proverbs 31:26 says,  "When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instruction with kindness." It is the wisdom coupled with kindness that leads to God's grace and blessing.
What does that look like? In addition to using wisdom in our choice of words we must also use love in our intentions and motivations.  It is not enough to choose wise words, but God directs we must be kind. When we are giving instructions, it is easy to find the right thing to say, it is more challenging to say the right thing in the right way.  So instruction is good, but it must be done in kindness. The question about our conversations is not what we are saying as much as how we are saying it. If we are purposed to teach a lesson, what kind of lessons will people best receive? We must have a loving, listening ear and not be quick to judgement. It is God who will judge us in the end, and we will be judged by how we have judged others?

Maybe it is not by chance that God is allowing us to see and hear certain things. Maybe it has been by divine appointment, for God's eternal purpose. If, in fact, God is revealing something to us, we need to figure out why. Then we need to determine what He wants us to do with this information.

God wants us to be His communicators, but He wants us to be communicators made in His image, wise and loving, so that the intended parties of our messages will be able to both hear and receive.

Lord I know that I must give an account of everyting that passes through my lips. Lord, may all of my conversation be pleasing to you.  Thank you for the privilege of being a Proverbial woman, and create in me a woman who uses "words of wisdom" with a loving heart!

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