Thursday, February 6, 2014

Etchings on My Heart - Day 1

I was playing Candy Crush this morning when the Lord spoke a clear word to me. Yeah, don't laugh, the Lord can use anything to get our attention, even a game. Anyway, I had been stuck on level 57 for some time. For days I have been battling the "chocolate foes" that pop up and steal my candy, making it difficult to continue. I was so focused on outwitting the chocolate that I failed to keep my eyes on the real prize, COMPLETION! This morning, God showed me that Candy Crush can be compared to our journey in life. We have a path that we are going on, hopefully we're following the Lord, and with each step forward, the devil wants to keep us distracted and focused on our uncomfortable circumstances, our trials and the little fires that keep popping up. In the process, we loose sight of the goal, of our purpose, of God's daily plan for our life. So as I was playing the next round of level 57, AGAIN, the Lord asked me, "So what is the goal here"? I thought for a second and looked at the screen and realized that my goal was not defeating the chocolate, or even battling with it, but the goal was getting the fruit to the bottom, and when I focused on the prize, I won, just like that!

1 Corinthians 9:24, 26
Don't you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? so run to           win? . . . So I run with purpose in every step.

Phillipians 3:12b, 14
But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me . . . I press 
on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ 
Jesus, is calling us.

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