Monday, October 14, 2013

31 Day Challenge - Day 14

Proverbs 14:1 in the NLT says "A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands. The word "builds" in the OT is the same as our English word builds but it also includes "begin to build, obtain children, make, repair, set (up)". Thus, a wise woman takes the time to make sure that things are right in her home, right with her family, right with her relationships. The Proverbs 14 woman is the result the Proverbs 31 woman - her fear of The Lord brings her wisdom in how to manage and conquer her home. It's not just by chance or luck. She didn't read it in a magazine or a how-to book. She didn't watch it on the latest Talk Show, she acquired it through fearing the Lord, obeying His commands and walking in His ways!

Proverbs 14, like the other Proverbs, is full of God's wisdom. He uses the word prudent (interchangeable with the word wisdom), understanding, knowledge and wise/wisdom 12 times as guides to teach us how to have prosperous lives. He instructs us in how to find peace, how to live in safety, how to have knowledge and understanding, how to avoid danger, how to have an understanding heart, how to have wealth, how to have security for yourself and a refuge for your children, how to have a healthy body, how to make a great nation and how to honor the King of kings and have Him rejoice over us. How is it then, that we struggle so much with godless things? If we are struggling with any of the things mentioned above, Lord, please open our ears to Your wisdom so that we can apply it to our circumstance. Help us to recognize what we're not doing and how to turn our disobedience into the fear of the Lord - we want to fear You more and live in the grace You have established for us! Lord, please make us wise!

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