Friday, October 4, 2013

31 Days of Wisdom - Day 4

I heard that some of you have been trying to comment on this blog but it's not going through. Lauren is helping me work on this problem. Thanks for reading - we'll get this figured out. I can't wait to hear what you have to say!

There is not a moment of my day when I don't need God's wisdom. We don't think about it when everything is going as planned, but as soon as there is a bump in the road, we want His wisdom to help us figure out how to maneuver around the obstacles.

But wisdom is not just knowledge and understanding, it is promise of a great present and fantastic future. Proverbs 3 tells us that wisdom brings us joy; it's more profitable than silver and the wages are better than gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies and nothing we desire can compare to it. It promises long life and riches and honor. It guides us down delightful paths and gives satisfying ways. It brings full life and happiness. It was the used by the Lord to create the heavens and the earth. It will refresh our soul and keep us safe and stable on our feet. We can go to bed without fear (I've used this verse for my children when they were growing up) and we will sleep soundly.

Why would we not desire wisdom - it allows us to inherit honor. When I read this I see peace, joy and happiness!

All scripture used is from the New Living Translation (NLT)

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